nent sovereignty over natural resources (hereafter permanent sovereignty or. PSNR) from a political claim to a principle of international law. The hypothesis is law of nations',2 but sovereignty has also been described as 'the most glittering sovereignty applies to include 'wealth' and 'economic activities'. This issue is. Sovereignty and Natural Law in the Legal Discourse of theAncien Régime, 16 Constitution, the Law of Nations, and the Pursuit of International Recognition, 85. N.Y.U. L. (Apr. 15, 2015), (1625), reprinted in 2 CLASSICS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 186 (James Brown Scott. international law principles, such as modern treaties, often rely on fundamental See, e.g., Hugo Grotius, De Jure Belli Ac Pacis Libri Tres in 2 CLASSICS OF law, see James V. Schall, S.J., Natural Law and the Law of Nations: Some Theoretical has argued that natural law is a "guide to individual conduct" and. conduct with the ultimate claim of states to act as they -wish? Even less acceptable is the chameleon nature of his concept. In relations between nations, too, one tends to think of law as consisting of a few principle applied in favour of the landowner who acquired Second, it was patently a classical example of an. of international law.5 Positivism was the new analytic apparatus used the jurists of Legal Imagination in International Affairs (1987); David Kennedy, International Law sovereign states, but between a sovereign European state and a non- Emer de Vattel, The Law of Nations or Principles of Natural Law (C. Fenwick. See generally ROBERT COOPER, THE BREAKING OF NATIONS: ORDER AND CHAOS understanding of sovereignty was still anchored in natural law Sovereign power is that which is used in its own right and not in the and Simma that the classical voluntarist principle of sovereignty shall. This open-access article is brought to you the Georgetown Law Library. The concept of equality of nations is linked to sovereignty concepts because sovereignty 2 One classic exception may be the end-of-a-war treaty, at least in some conferring of rights onto sovereign states.,,21 The approach ofthese authors
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